PGT-A Class Action Lawsuits Filed
Constable Law, Justice Law Collaborative, and Berger Montague announce class action lawsuits against genetic testing companies for misleading consumers about PGT-A testing during IVF treatment.
Read the news release here.
Talking IVF on Bay News 9
Attorney Allison Freeman sat down with Bay News 9 to discuss the importance of protecting IVF, her personal IVF journey, and how her experience led her to help others on their fertility journeys.
See the story here.
Discussing IVF in Newsweek
Posts and Articles about the PGT-A Class Action Lawsuits
Read this article in Newsweek
TIME Magazine
Allison Freeman, whose Florida-based firm Constable Law is spearheading the class-action suits, is an IVF mother herself. She became “obsessed” with PGT-A after clinicians made her feel “crazy” for opting out when she was a patient, and only more so after two of her friends ended up with no usable embryos after going through PGT-A testing. Curious, Freeman dug into online fertility communities, where numerous women reported upsetting experiences related to PGT-A: cycles of failed tests, inconsistent results, and even unlikely births like Petersen’s.
Freeman was left with questions not only about this particular test, but also about the entire IVF industry. “It’s the Wild West of medicine,” she says. “What if this is the tip of the iceberg?”
Read the Time article here.